Daisy Rey × Kylo Red (Born: May 31st, 2024)
Please email us for more info! puppies@RLBC.DOG
The father of our pups is Kylo Red! Kylo is a CBCA-registed smooth coated chocolate tricolour 100% border collie who we Trailblazing Border Collies in British Columbia in the autumn of 2017.
Kylo's brother, Java The Pup, is from the same litter is the father of our mother's pups over at Cranberry Lake Border Collies, so all of the puppies from the RLBC and CLBC litters are cousins!
Kylo's favourite activities are frisbee, fetch, going for walks and meeting new friends, as well as running and playing with Daisy. Even though he's 7 years old now, Kylo is still as happy, playful, and friendly as ever.
Kylo is such a sweet and amazing dog that we decided early on that we would love for him to have puppies some day, but would be tough while living in an apartment in Vancouver. We started to keep our eyes out for litters of Border Collies in British Columbia.
After doing DNA testing on Kylo, we found Daisy Rey in the autumn of 2020. After sending off her DNA test to Embark, she turned out to be a great DNA match for Kylo, having a similarly clean DNA result as Kylo had. We had a match!
The mother of our pups is Daisy Rey. Daisy Rey is a 100% chocolate and white, rough coated Border Collie, who we got from Red Dog Farms in British Columbia in the autumn of 2020.
Daisy Rey comes to us from a farm vet, so while she is not CBCA registered (her dad Draco is CBCA, but her mom Maisie is from working lines), she has VERY strong herding instincts! We did DNA testing using Embark and their MatchMaker product showed that she was a great match for Kylo, with similarly excellent, clean results!
She is playful, mischievous, and love to tease Kylo. While she loves to play Frisbee and fetch, she usually prefers to chase Kylo why he plays fetch, LOL. We often joke that Kylo plays fetch while Daisy plays linebacker!
Daisy and Kylo are basically inseparable, and still play together every day just like when they were puppies. In 2022, we moved from and apartment in Vancouver to Nova Scotia, so that we could have a house and yard for the dogs to have their puppies.
After many years of planning, and a few years delay, Daisy and Kylo welcomed their first litter of TEN beautiful, healthy, and happy puppies in 2024! Daisy has been an amazing mother, being extremely attentive and watchful over her huge first litter.
As responsible dog breeders, we made sure to perform genetic tests on our dogs, before having our first litter, and used DNA testing to ensure an acceptable COI for our pairing.
Our dogs have been DNA health tested using Embark, which includes over 170 different tests! Our dogs are not affected by any genetic issues, including the following:
Red Line Border Collies is a responsible breeder of Border Collies, located in New Minas, Nova Scotia, Canada. Border Collies have been part of our family for over 40 years, and we would like to share these wonderful pets that have given us so much joy over the years! We screen all of our potential customers to ensure that we find wonderful homes for these active and energetic pets.